Super Medics


Duration: Approx. 3 hours (Can be divided into 3x 1hr)
 Any safe, suitable venue
Max Learners:
 Ideally 1:16,
with a maximum of 1 instructor to 32 children

 A personalised certificate of attendance will be provided.
 A copy of the Super Medics book will be provided to each child alongside a  COVID-19 safety pack per child.

Super Medics is a collection of first aid courses and teaching materials designed for children in Key Stages 2 and 3 (Ages 7 to 14). The courses cover all key information that children need to know from the basics of first aid and reacting in a difficult situation through to how to get help, understanding more about the body and treating different types of injuries. 


All Super Medics courses not only meet but exceed the requirements of the new 2020 National Curriculum First Aid and CPR requirements for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education in England. 

The designed course content are based around the relevant Key Stage year groups to ensure that children have the knowledge and skills needed to be confident in their actions and to help save a life, should the need ever arise. 

We provide alternative versions for Key Stage 1 (ages 3 – 6) and for teenagers (ages 11 – 16) utilising relevant language, appropriate for the age groups concerned.

Super Medics Super Science

Super Medics Super Science is a 5 week after school science club. Learners will explore the human body through play and practical experiments each week. This club is designed to enhance our learning of first aid, by explaining how our bodies work and giving all children the opportunity to experiment and ‘get messy’! All learners will be provided with a safety pack.

Learners will receive personalised certificates. Our 5 weekly one hour sessions are composed of the following modules:

  • Our Hearts – How they work and where are they located within our body. Listen to our own heart sounds using a stethoscope and find our radial pulse. Discover the components of blood. Experiment 1: In pairs, make a pint of (fake) blood and create a beating heart. Learners will discover how the heart pushes blood around the body and how the valves in our heart only allow blood to travel in the correct direction.
  • Learners individually make and label mini brains. These are for the learners to keep and take home. Experiment 2: The whole class to make a life size human brain, discover it’s consistency and understand why a skull is needed for protection!
  • Our digestive system – Learn what it is made up of and why. Learn about why we need food And water what happens after we have a meal. Experiment 1: Discover what happens to a banana 5 minutes after it has been eaten. Experiment 2: Learners to make (balloon) stomachs and what happens when certain food groups mix together.
  • Skeletons, bones and muscles – Learners will discover how many bones we have in our bodies and why they are important. They will learn about muscles, tendons and ligaments and work with George, our friendly skeleton. Experiment 1: In pairs complete an exercise making hands (rubber gloves) with and without bones to learn why bones are so important for movement.
  • Our Lungs – what are they and their role within the body. Discover how they work together with the heart to bring fresh oxygen to our cells throughout our bodies and remove the unwanted byproduct, carbon dioxide. Experiment: – Learners to make their own mini set of lungs to help demonstrate how we actually breathe.
  • Super Medics instructors are all DBS checked and insured, giving schools peace of mind and reassurance. 

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